This year, the 6-year-olds decided to “adopt” the Ciabòt Calorio, a renovated ciabòt that takes its name from the owner family. This ciabòt, which is located inside a wood, testifies that bees were raised in Montà as early as 1800 because an ancient apiary-closet was found inside.

The class visited the ciabòt in autumn and was able to observe the changes in the environment surrounding the ciabòt, as well as learn about the structure of the building and its function.

During the winter we went again to visit “our” ciabòt. The environment had changed. We had to climb over the trunk of a tree, which was knocked down by a snowfall and the ground was very wet and slippery. Upon returning to class we represented the ciabòt in 3D: we designed our work, chose the materials and finally reproduced the ciabòt. We had a lot of fun!


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