Family game of cricket!

Cricket is a very traditional sport played in England. Many families enjoy a game of cricket together. This week Year 5 have been developing our striking skills in cricket. We thought about keeping our eye on the ball and making contact with the ball. Excellent work...

Restaurant Enterprise Project

Year Six have enjoyed some stempterprise work this week. This mix of Science, DT, Art, Maths and much more saw them challenged to design their own restaurant. This involved creating a restaurant marketing strategy. Surveying and presenting information about their...

Nature Walks

Year 1 have been discovering what families in England like to do together. many of their families like to go for a walk in the woods. In school we decided to go on a nature walk as a class family.  We have explored what we can see, smell, feel and hear outside. We all...

Designing a Game – Space Invadors!

In computing, Year 5 have designed their own Space Invaders themed game. They know that this is a game that many children and families in England like to play. First, they looked at early games consoles and some of the first games produced for these devices. Then...

Designing a Game – Etch a Sketch!

In computing, Year 4 have been challenged to design and program their own Etch a Sketch game. This is a game that many children and families in England like to play. Their first task as to design a background (known as the stage in Scratch) and then design a sprite to...
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